Course date Course dates: 22nd - 29th August 2025Deadline for registration: 15th March 2025Information: Application form Name First name(s) Sex (Please choose) Male Female Date of birth Nationality Correspondance email Phone (including country prefix) Exact billing détails :(name, address, city, country) Academic background Profession Present position Present employer Visa requirements to attend training Yes No Supportive letter from your institution Documents Please upload your motivation letter Please upload your resume and copies of diplomas (one PDF) English good fair poor Policies Where have you heard about this course I would like to participate to the course “Sustainable solar water scheme design in humanitarian and development contexts” and accept the conditions mentioned below. The registration fees are due upon receipt of confirmation. The registration is final only once the registration fees have been paid.Registration fees : CHF 2’500.-.Expenses in case of cancellationIf cancellation is done after the confirmation letter and payment of fees until seven days before the beginning of the course, CHF 100.- are billed for file constitution;Within seven days before the beginning of the course, 50% of the fees are retained;From two days before the course starts, the complete fees are billed. I agree with policies Accept Annuler envoyer