Champ obligatoire
Candidate contact details
Submitter contact details (if different from the candidate)

Describe the contribution of the candidate (a significant ethical "standard practice" or an ethical action that can be credited to the candidate and that can serve as a model for actors in the financial markets)

The jury emphasis that submissions (in English) including the candidate details need to be of high quality and complete and need to clearly show what the ethical practice, product, process or service is, and why it is considered ethical in the view of the submitting entity. Also the potential of why this ethical practice, product, process or service deserves a wider adoption need to be described in detail. Any submissions not complying with this requirement may be rejected. In exceptional cases, the jury may ask for the submission to be complemented with more information. The company concerned would have submitted themselves for the Award, or would at least be in written agreement with the submission.

The jury acknowledges the existence of greenwashing risk: the risk that a participating entity may abuse their participation in the Award for unethical purposes including misrepresentation. The University and the jury retain the right to issue a private and/or public statement to that extent and to reclaim any issued Award or consider any other sanction.

  1. In detail, please describe your ethical product, process or service implemented in 2023.
  1. Kindly elaborate on the reasons why you believe your product, process or service is ethical?
  1. What reasons lead you to believe that this ethical product, process or service would deserve a wider adoption?
Optional: upload possibility of a document that supports the nomination (PDF format, 20MB maximum)

©2022 Université de Neuchâtel - SITEL

Dernière mise à jour du formulaire 15 Dec 2023.
